Thursday, August 20, 2015

"The Heroes Journey"

Today I attended a really fun meetup and we watched this entire movie. It is a beautiful creation to show us some of Joseph Campbell's work and studies. See below...

"Finding Joe is an exploration of famed Mythologist Joseph Campbell's studies and their continuing impact on our culture. Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of fields interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a sweet and motley group of kids, the film navigates the stages of what Campbell dubbed The Hero's Journey: the challenges, the fears, the dragons, the battles, and the return home as a changed person. Rooted in deeply personal accounts and timeless stories, Finding Joe shows how Campbell's work is relevant and essential in today's world and how it provides a narrative for how to live a fully realized life - or as Campbell would simply state, how to "follow your bliss"."

While watching this I felt incredibly blessed for the tools that I already have that have let me experience so much of what this movie is about. What I am most excited to share with you all is least I feel....THIS JOURNEY NEVER ENDS! How exciting to really feel the turning of the wheel....

We are living a beautiful opportunity for growth through the lessons that these journeys take us on....and how amazing to find ways in which we can awaken to even greater amounts of awareness. In the bigger picture...we all are helping turn this planet into something greater than it was yesterday. We have a future to create and if you are looking for some really beautiful encouragement to keep going on whatever part of this path you are on, then I recommend seeing this movie!

We all have dragons to greet......

In fact, this movie shed a lot of light upon a dream that I am going to share with you now.  From September 17th, 2009 when I kept this really fun dream journal and had LOTS of conscious dream and vivid dream experiences.....

Dream Journal
"I'm in a towel in dad's van- he's driving but not paying attention to the cliff we are on- he starts to go down but goes back up on the road- now we are driving on a dirt road and I see people and a village - I'm thinking how could this have been so close to my home all these years? I get out to ask people questions and lose my dad. Now I am clothed and have my grey back pack. There are mud houses- darker skinned natives....feeling Mexican? Some hispanic feeling. There are sacrifices going on.....its an event - there are tourists - I think I asked but I can't remember. I keep walking through the village - its like a maze - I give up searching for my dad - I find a group - I think I am following someone like Chris from Bonnaroo through a more advanced section - then there is a huge scary monster crashing through the village threatening life - we are running away. There are bugs and snakes and creepy crawlies that come before the creature - as a warning. The place becomes even more advanced - a high tech village above and I lose my guides - maybe they were found and crushed? (In my journal I drew a picture of the high tech towers)
"High Tech Towers" =)

I'm trying to be careful as I hide - then I'm in one of the tallest towers hiding behind something with a handle bar - the creature is looking in and the tower is teetering back and forth. The creature knows I'm there - Then all of the sudden the creature has shrunk down to my size. I look at it, it's like a cartoon like friendly looking...but a dragon. I say, "You're small enough now so that I can hug you. When we hug there is an immediate pull and we make out in this orgasmic swirl. I'm thinking in my head that this doesn't seem this creature a boy or a girl? Both? I give in to the creature.....when we are finished we are back down in the village. The creature is barely there and tells me I am the leader of the village now. I walk - I have a jangly skirt ( a belly dancer) on.....wearing all black? As I walk there are people laying down side by side in "corpse pose" making a path - I put my hands by my side with palms facing out - angel of Grace - and as I walk they smile and stand - I am wishing for the whole village to stand and feel peace"

OK WOW ~ so this dream has stuck with me for years now and upon watching "Finding Joe," I see that this signifies the "Heroes Journey" ~ and also my feeling that I have been called to awaken beings....and also heal. Interesting that this dream came before I was paralyzed and how somehow through my own journey..... I am to help others "STAND UP"

 I believe in this journey we are all on. I hope you all find your dragons.....hug them....and become the leader in your lives. We all have some work to do! Let's do it =)

My love and Gratitude.

Notes from the Journal ~ Books to read.... 

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